Children's Center

Drop In Site

Are you a 足彩平台 student looking for hourly care? We are here to help! The Children’s Center is hosting a drop-in site for children 2-12 years old, in the lower level of the University Center.

Hourly Care Reservations

Enroll Here »

Before drop in care can be provide we will need the following from the family: 

  1. $25 yearly registration fee
  1. Health Report: You could fill out this form or print off the child's last well child visit summary off mychart:
  1. Immunization information - you can also print off a copy of this from the site below:

*You can also print off your child's information here:

Hours and location

UC 82 (lower level near UW Credit Union)
Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.


$5 an hour for children of students
$8 an hour for children of faculty, staff and community
*Two Hour Minimum

Subsidized care

Thanks to a federal grant, full-time (12 credits or more) undergraduate Pell grant students with a GPA of 2.00 or more may receive 50-70% off the cost of care! To find out if you qualify, fill out the survey

Contact information

For more information and to sign up, contact or 262-472-1767.

Important Information

How to Say Goodbye on the First Day…

If your child is having trouble separating from you, we suggest that you calmly reassure him/her that you will return. It is sometimes helpful to give a period that a child can understand (i.e. “I will pick you up…while you are outside, right after lunch, during free choice.” Etc.) After letting your child know that you will return (although it may be difficult) we suggest that you say goodbye and leave. We ask that you notify a teacher in that classroom when you are ready to leave so they know it is okay to take your child from you. This teacher will comfort your child and reassure them that you will return. When good-byes become very long it usually turns into a power struggle and a very stressful situation for the child, family member, and other children in the classroom. Please feel free to call or stop in at the office throughout the day to see how things are going. A parent coming into the classroom and then leaving again, can be to too confusing to a young child, especially before they have become comfortable in this new setting. If you have any questions or concerns about how to make separating from your child be less stressful, please stop in and talk to one of the lead teachers or the director. 

Open Door Policy

The Children’s Center Drop-In Site has an open door policy for families to visit and or observe at any time during the center’s hours of operation, unless access is prohibited or restricted by court order. Families are welcome and encouraged to come into the center and visit at any time. Family members are welcome to participate in our program in several ways. We enjoy having family members join us for lunch, snack, special days, and field trips. Family members are encouraging to share a hobby or interest with our children and an invitation always stands for you to come in and read a book. In addition, the center welcomes family members to help in the classroom for special projects or regularly scheduled activity times arranged with the teacher.
  • Paperwork. You can find these forms on our website. We cannot provide care if the forms are not filled out and turned into the office. This is a State of Wisconsin Child Care Licensing requirement.
  • Water Bottle. Please make sure your child(ren) bring(s) a labeled water bottle. 
  • Extra pair of clothes in case clothes become messy, wet or soiled.
  • We go outside every day, weather permitting. Please bring appropriate clothes for child to be comfortable outside. Warmer months: sunscreen and sun hats. Cooler months: Jackets and rain boots. Cold months: snow pants, winter jacket, hat, waterproof gloves, snow boots. Children 2 and older will go outside if it feels like 0 or above.  The Children’s Center follows the Child Care Weather Watch to determine when we should limit our time outside.
  • Reading material. Please send along a book that your child is currently interested in - they can read independently, with a peer or a teacher!

7:30 – 8:30        Free exploration

8:30                    Clean-up / Morning Meeting

8:45 – 9:15        Breakfast

9:15                    Diaper checks and changes

9:30 – 11:00      Outside/Group activity/Free exploration

11:00                   Diaper checks and changes

11:20                   Clean up / Prepare for lunch

11:45 – 12:30     Lunch

12:30                   Rest / Quiet time

*as children wake*             Diaper checks and changes

2:45 – 3:15         Snack

3:15 – 5:30         Outside / Free exploration